diumenge, 24 de juliol del 2016

Un film (300 metres)

Víctor Català

La situació era massa complicada perquè en Jepet pogués arriscar-se a formular opinió.”


Andre Agassi

"Image Is Everything"


John Grisham

How can you compare a student with only one parent who lives in a tiny apartment with a student with two parents and grandparents and private tutors when necessary? How can you compare a student whose parents have college degrees? How can you compare a student whose father is in prison to a student whose father is a doctor? How can you compare a student who had nothing for breakfast with a student who ate too much for breakfast? How can you compare a student who started prechool as a three-year-old to a student who arrived here too late for kindergarten?”

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

J. K. Rowling

 “‘Avada Kedavra,’ Hermione whispered.”

Vamos comprar um poeta

  Alfonso Cruz “A c ultura n ão se gasta. Quanto mais se usa, mais se tem.”