James Patterson and Chris Tebbetts
"'...All students are expected to dress appropriately for an academic environment. No student shall wear clothing of a size more than two beyond his or her normal size...'"
dissabte, 17 de setembre del 2011
Got the fuck to sleep
Adam Mansbach
"No more questions.This interview’s over. I’ve got two words for you, kid: fucking sleep."
"No more questions.This interview’s over. I’ve got two words for you, kid: fucking sleep."
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
Sherman Alexie
"Everybody in Reardan assumed we Spokanes made lots of money because we had a casino. But that casino, mismanaged and too far away from major highways, was a money-losing business. In order to make money from the casino, you had to work at the casino."
"Everybody in Reardan assumed we Spokanes made lots of money because we had a casino. But that casino, mismanaged and too far away from major highways, was a money-losing business. In order to make money from the casino, you had to work at the casino."
Subscriure's a:
Missatges (Atom)
Rubèn Intente Soler Personalment, m'agrada no saber situar aquesta novel·la en cap tradició literària; no, almenys, en la tradició lite...
'Drama de mujeres en los pueblos de España' (subtítol), en què la passió irrefrenable amor violent irrealitzable fan la TRAGÈDIA NEC...