dijous, 29 de gener del 2015
diumenge, 25 de gener del 2015
dilluns, 5 de gener del 2015
The Finest Story in the World
Rudyard Kipling
"Now I understood why the Lords of Life and Death shut the doors so carefully behind us. It is that we may not remember our first wooings. Were it not so, our wourld would be without inhabitants in a hundred years.”
"Now I understood why the Lords of Life and Death shut the doors so carefully behind us. It is that we may not remember our first wooings. Were it not so, our wourld would be without inhabitants in a hundred years.”
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Rubèn Intente Soler Personalment, m'agrada no saber situar aquesta novel·la en cap tradició literària; no, almenys, en la tradició lite...
'Drama de mujeres en los pueblos de España' (subtítol), en què la passió irrefrenable amor violent irrealitzable fan la TRAGÈDIA NEC...