- EVERY FRIDAY Written and illustrated by Dan Yaccarino
- JABBERWOCKY Illustrated by Christopher Myers
- THE ARRIVAL By Shaun Tan
- FIRST THE EGG Written and illustrated by Laura Vaccaro
- NOT A BOX Written and illustrated by Antoinette Portis
- 600 BLACK SPOTS Written and illustrated by David A. Carter
- THE FROG WHO WANTED TO SEE THE SEA Written and illustrated by Guy Billout
- THE WALL, Growing Up Behind the Iron Curtain. Written and illustrated by Peter Sis
- OLD PENN STATION Written and illustrated by William Low
- THE INVENTION OF HUGO CABRET Written and illustrated by Brian Selznick
dijous, 20 de desembre del 2007
10 best illustrated children's books of 2007 The New York Times Book Review
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Rubèn Intente Soler Personalment, m'agrada no saber situar aquesta novel·la en cap tradició literària; no, almenys, en la tradició lite...
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