dilluns, 28 d’octubre del 2013

El héroe discreto

Mario Vargas Llosa

“«Cuando se es tan imbécil como este bípedo, ya se es inteligente», se le ocurrió a Rigoberto.”

Cançons d'amor i de pluja

Sergi Pàmies

“Tinc una teoria: si t’enamores sota la pluja, l’amor perdura més que no si fa bon temps.”

Cop de vent

Josep Carner


FÈLIX és un advocat, una mica formalista, no gens entusiasmat amb la seva professió però que vers la fi de l’escena s’humanitzarà del tot.

The Racketeer

John Grisham

 "Change the eyes and you change everything."


Chuck Palahniuk

Are you there, Satan? It’s me, Madison. I’m just now
arrived here, in Hell, but it’s not my fault excepts for
maybe dying from an overdose of marijuana. Maybe
I’m in Hell because I’m fat―a Real Porker. If you can
go to Hell for having low self-esteem, that’s why I’m
here. I wish I could lie and tell you I’m bone-thin with
blond hair and big ta-tas. But, trust me, I’m fat for a
really good reason.
      To start with, please let me introduce myself.

Theodore Boone. The Activist

John Grisham

A lawyer is not supposed to judge his or her client. We are supposed to help them.”


R.J. Palacios

"Welcome to my world."

Vamos comprar um poeta

  Alfonso Cruz “A c ultura n ão se gasta. Quanto mais se usa, mais se tem.”